Sunday, August 14, 2011

The infinite wisdom from a small boy now 6 yrs old

Well my wonderful boy has uttered some compellingly powerful words lately. Where they come from I have no idea but they speak to your soul.

"there is no death, your spirits just keeps going on, half goes to heaven and the other half stays to watch over the ones you love"

"if you love someone part of your spirit goes with them forever"

"you love everyone and natural and everything as well"

"forgiveness means love and strength"

"its okay to miss people but you still love them and they still love you"

"sometimes it's okay to be sad but not for too long"

"you should love everyone and always forgive them"

"God means for everyone to be loved and to love everyone else"

"life is just awesome, and cause you don't die it's okay to be awesome always"

"you've got to help people cause people need help sometimes"

"And help nature and animals cause they need it too"

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The impact of telly

An over heard conversation between William and Dad

William "Dad KFC is heathier than McDonalds isn't it?"
Dad  "Well they are pretty much the same William alright eaten in moderation"
William " Well Burger King is the best though isn't it"
Dad  " Who told you that? We have never been to Burger King."
William " Oh I saw it on telly and that told me"

So Burger King will be pleased that their lastest ad campaign is working LOL.  Now usually the kids aren't allowed to watch ads cause they are annoying so this came out of left field and cracked me up.  Just goes to show how much of sponges the kids are.

Well just a short note as I have to go back to work shortly :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Alex :)

Can you please answer these questions for Alex:

Why does Batman get to fly but Spiderman only gets to swing between buildings?

Cause bats fly and spiders don't, and spiders are yukky anyway

If you were in Star Wars would you have a blue or red light saber?

I'd have blue

How come Mummy's never let us be the boss?

Cause mum is the boss cause she works the hardest

Do you think you should be allowed to put BBQ sauce on a marshmallow?

No cause it might make you get poisoned

Are you sometimes too busy at school to eat your lunch?


Are you scared of bears? I am scared of bears and sometimes worry that they will come into the house - do you think bears can get into the house?

Yes but only if the doors are opened and only if its made of glass

How come school shoes are never tight enough?

Don't know

How come, when Mum says to me "Dont make me count to three" you just know that something bad is going to happen?

Cause Mums just know

Why do we have big sisters?

Too to keep us company if mum and Dad are at work

Do you like having a big sister?

yes she is fun

How come they are bigger than us?

Cause they are older

Monday, November 8, 2010


I was listening to the radio this morning while I was milking the cows, and they gave out this interesting statistic. The average 4-6 yr old asks around 400 questions a day. Now this I can believe, William asks and asks all day lol. My boss (Bren) even said "Well if the average 5 yr old asks 400, William must ask 800"
Bren gets very bamboozled whenever William starts talking to him. He is just not used to small children and when William starts, Bren just starts to panic.
eg William: "So why do the Fresians have black and white hair?"
Bren : " Ummmmmm"
William :" So why do jerseys kick so much?"
Bren :" Ummmmm"
William :" So what does that pipe do?"
Bren :" Aah that is a water pipe to the trough"
William "So do you need it? I could use one of those"
Bren " Sorry but yes"

What is it about wee boys and taking things apart? I shudder whenever I see William wander past with a screwdriver. And the constant "Hey Mum I saw a broken blah blah today do you need it or can I have it?"  He is such a funny wee bugger.

Feel free to leave questions for William, I'll type his answers for you, could be funny.

Well had better go, got calves to move and cows to milk :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How the world works from the eyes of a wee boy

The world is a very interesting place when viewed through the eyes of a curious child, this is my way of keeping a record of all of the interesting theories my son. He has a very interesting way of viewing the world.
For example

Me :" William who made the dinosaurs?"
William :" God made them Mum"
Me :" Why did he make them?"
William :" Cause he thought they would be cool to watch walking around"

He has me in fits of laughter at times.
While we were in the car yesterday Dad and William were discussing how fast you are allowed to drive.

Dad :" What happens if we go over 100kph ? Does the car explode?"
William :" No Dad only american cars explode and thats if they go up then down, then they explode. But we are okay cause we are in a japanese car and they don't explode."
Dad :" What if a plane crashes in to a japanese car?"
William :" FIRE and the nose of the plane would be damaged cause it would go through the roof and floor of the car and make a big hole in the road"

He obviously watches to much telly, destroyed in seconds is a firm favourite, which is why he thinks only american cars explode.

Well I will try to write some more when I have time, as a busy farmer finding time can be a little hard but I need to write these pearls of wisdom down so I don't forget that the world is just awesome through the eyes of a child.